Time & Location
Jan 24, 2021, 7:00 PM
About the Event
Although we cannot be physically present this year to celebrate the immortal life & memory of Robert Burns, we can still commemorate his name with friendship, food, and drink. Join us on Zoom as we enjoy one another’s company, share in a few light-hearted laughs, and sample a few tipples.
This event is free to attend, though you are encouraged to purchase & enjoy your own refreshments. No Burns Supper is complete without a hearty meal, and neither shall our celebration lack such an important element. You will find enclosed the text of the Selkirk Grace and a sample menu, with accompanying recipes, if you wish to dine in the Scottish-style. Should you wish to enjoy haggis, the Caledonian Kitchen (sales on www.amazon.com) carries several varieties of canned haggis, as the fresh version is often difficult to find. If haggis is not your cup-of-tea, a traditional beef roast, or hearty steak, is always a suitable substitute main course. Given the nature of Zoom, it is suggested that you enjoy your meal in advance of the evening’s events. Thus, although we cannot physically dine together, we all are nonetheless able to enjoy a special meal together in spirit.
Although a dram of whiskey is often enjoyed with each course, you are encouraged to maintain enough sobriety to participate in the several traditional toasts given at a Burns Supper. Once our toasts (and roasts) are complete, the platform will be open to all to enjoy some lighthearted (and much needed) fellowship.
Schedule of Events & Toasts
- 7:00pm – Welcome to all
- Ode & Toast to the Haggis
- Video – My love is like a red, red, rose
- Toast to the Lassies
- Toast to the Lads
- Poetry
- The Immortal Memory of Robert Burns
- Video – Auld Lang Syne
- Closing & time for fellowship