Notice of regular communication of St. Alban's Lodge No. 6 will be held at 363 Hope Street, Bristol RI 02809.

Wednesday, October 11th, 7:00 PM
This month’s program will be the conferral of the Master Mason degree on our 5 Fellowcraft brothers.
The first two sections of the degree will be performed by the officers. The third section will be performed at a later date.

Greetings Brethren,
We had a wonderful joint communication with Hope No. 25. It was great that the brothers could join us here in Bristol. Sorry for the temperature in the lodge, we put a request in for low temperatures, but those temps didn’t arrive until a few days later.
I’d like to give a great big thank you to W∴ Jason M. Nystrom for the wonderful presentation, and training session on how to tie a bow tie, and R∴W∴ Andrew M. Giovannini for providing the brethren with ties to practice with and keep. It was a very informative and enjoyable presentation. I saw a few hand-tied bow ties in the lodge after that presentation. Hopefully, we’ll see more at the next meeting.
We had the distinct pleasure to welcome Most Worshipful Grand Master Douglas J. Grant, and R∴W∴ District Deputy Grand Master, Bro. Stephan H. Saraidarian for the evening.
This is a reminder that we are continuing our weekly rehearsals at 7 p.m. on Thursday nights when there isn’t a St. Alban’s meeting that week.
As it has been in the past, rehearsals are open to all brothers, not just the officers and all are encouraged to join us and enjoy a bit of brotherhood afterward. I personally can say, we have enjoyed our time together and have found the time for work and refreshment.
Please come join us if you can.
Robert N. Hopkins Jr.

Thank you to Worshipful and all for your vote of confidence that I may step in as Acting Secretary for the remainder of the year. I hope I may serve the office justice.
The holiday season will be here before you know it and we must prepare. I took over planning our Holiday dinner last year and I’m looking for assistance in this year’s event. If anyone would like to help me, please reach out to me as soon as possible. We need to make arrangements for catering, preparations for the hall, etc.
Danny Cordeiro
Acting Secretary

As another year passes since you were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. May your dedication and commitment to the craft lead you to a fulfilling and enlightened journey ahead.
James R. Wilson III - 1 Year

Scott Jamieson: 10/05
Brian Boyle: 10/09
Charlie Walker: 10/22

7:00 pm each Thursday – officer’s or degree rehearsal & social hour
Oct. 1st - Meeting of St. Alban's Association
Oct. 11th - St. Alban's #6 Regular Communication
Oct. 13-15 70th International Gathering of Masonic Lodges Named for St. Alban, Rockville Centre, NY
Oct. 14th - Washington #3 Annual Communication
Nov. 4th - Grand Master visitation to the Northern District at Friendship Lodge #7
Nov. 5th - Meeting of St. Alban's Association
Nov. 7th - DDGM Visitation at Adelphoi #33
Nov. 8th - St. Alban's #6 Regular Communication
Nov. 18th - Grand Lodge Semi-Annual Communication
Dec. 3rd - Meeting of St. Alban's Association
Dec. 5th - Grand Master visitation to the East Bay District at St. Pauls #14
Dec. 12th - DDGM Visitation at Washington #3
Dec. 13th - St. Alban's #6 Regular Communication
Dec. 16th - St. Alban's Lodge Holiday Dinner
Dec. 18 - St. John's #1 Annual Installation
Jan. 2nd - Adelphoi #33 Annual Communication
Jan. 7th - Meeting of St. Alban's Association
Jan. 10th - St. Alban's #6 Regular Communication
Jan. 17th - St. Alban's #6 Annual Communication
Jan. 22nd - Grand Master visitation to his Mother Lodge at Jenks #24
Jan. 25th - St. Paul's #14 Annual Communication
Feb. 4th - Meeting of St. Alban's Association
Feb. 5th - DDGM Visitation at St. John's #1
Feb. 14th - St. Alban's #6 Regular Communication
Mar. 3rd - Meeting of St. Alban's Association
Mar. 7th - Grand Master visitation to the Southern District at Mt. Vernon #4
Mar. 13th - DDGM Visitation at St. Alban's #6 - Officer Forum
Apr. 5th - Testimonial Dinner
Apr. 7th - Meeting of St. Alban's Association
Apr. 10th - St. Alban's #6 Regular Communication
Apr. 19th - Grand Master visitation to the Central District at Manchester #12
May 5th - Meeting of St. Alban's Association
May 7th - DDGM Visitation at St. Paul's #14
May 8th - St. Alban's #6 Regular Communication
May 20th - Grand Lodge Annual Communication
Jun. 2nd - Meeting of St. Alban's Association
Jun. 12th - St. Alban's #6 Regular Communication
St. Alban’s Association, Inc.
NEXT MEETING: October 1, 2023
The Board of Directors of the Association generally meets at 6:00 p.m. on the first Sunday of each month. All members and initiation Masons associated with St. Alban’s Lodge No. 6 are welcome as visitors.

Grand Lodge Officers
M∴W∴ Douglas J. Grant MW Grand Master | R∴W∴ Michael R. Barbera RW Grand Marshall |
R∴W∴ Stephan H. Saraidarian RW District Deputy Grand Master East Bay District | W∴ Jason J. Rainone W Grand Master of Ceremonies East Bay District |
R∴W∴ Rory A. Hanmer RW Associate Grand Chaplin East Bay District | R∴W∴ Andrew M. Giovannini RW Assistant Grand Lecturer St. Alban’s No. 6 |

St. Alban's Lodge Officers
Robert N. Hopkins Jr. Worshipful Master |
W∴ Manuel J. Benevides Senior Warden | W∴ Jose J. DaSilva Junior Warden |
R∴W∴ Rory A. Hanmer Treasurer | W∴ Danny S. Cordeiro Acting Secretary |
W∴ R. Andrew Benn Senior Deacon | Christian M. DiSarro Junior Deacon |
James R. Wilson, III Senior Steward | Robert S. Hamel Junior Steward |
W∴ Andrew C. Daigle Chaplin | W∴ Jason M. Nystrom Acting Marshall |
Steven H. Jennings Sentinel | Brian M. Boyle Tyler |
W∴ William D. Stephens Assistant Secretary | R∴W∴ Andrew M. Giovannini Ritual Advisor |
Albert A. Ferri & R∴W∴ David C. Lavery Co-Historians | |

Living Past Masters
Leonard P. Sanford III 1971-1972 2002-2005 | Rory A. Hanmer 2013-2014 |
Edward M Wiacek 1981-1983 | Andrew M. Giovannini 2014-2015 |
Edwin A. McClure 1996-1997 | José J. DaSilva 2015-2016 |
Raymond C. Sartini 1997-1999 | R. Andrew Benn 2016-2017 |
Edward C. Boyd Jr. 2005-2007 | Jason M. Nystrom 2017-2018 |
Jeffrey R. Howlett 2007-2009 | Manuel J. Benevides 2018-2019 |
William D. Stephens 2009-2011 | Andrew C. Daigle 2021-2022 |
Scott S. Crawford 2011-2012 | Danny S. Cordeiro 2022-2023 |
Timothy A. Pray 2012-2013 2019-2021 | Robert N. Hopkins Jr. 2023- |
Committees of St. Alban’s Lodge
Special Charities Committee
W. José J. DaSilva, W. Timothy A. Pray & W. Jason M. Nystrom
Lodges Named for St. Alban Committee
Members: Master, Wardens, and Past Masters