April 12th – 7:00 PM
The Lodge will open at 7: 00 PM for the transaction of such business as shall regularly come before it, and the reception of Brother Eric E. Grist, R∴W∴ District Deputy Grand Master to the East Bay District, and Brother John W. Kent, W∴ Grand Master of Ceremonies, on their official visitation to St. Alban's Lodge No.6.
If there is a parking ban in the town of Bristol, the meeting will be postponed or canceled. If postponed, a dispensation will be requested from Grand Lodge for an alternate date.
Those wishing to gather for dinner are encouraged to arrive by 5:30 pm in order to assure time for a pleasant meal. We will meet downstairs at Leo's Ristorante. Ordering is no-host, off the menu. Friends and family are encouraged to join us.
There is considerable interest in having dinners in our social hall on the second floor in the future. Anyone interested in helping to bring this to fruition is asked to speak to W∴ Master Hopkins.
The Program for the Evening
This month's program will be another interesting presentation. This will be about counterfeiting, presented by Resident Agent in Charge, Craig A. Marech, from the United States Secret Service. Given all that is happening in the world right now, this will be a very intriguing and informative presentation. You don't want to miss this.
Greetings Brethren,
Last month was a busy one for the brothers of St. Alban's. It all started with our newest brother, Jason Flick, being duly initiated as an Entered Apprentice at St. John's #1 in Portsmouth. It continued with Brother Charles Walker being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason at a degree put on by St. John's #1P in Providence. It was a delightful evening. We thank our brothers of both lodges for their courtesies and assistance.
Speaking of delightful evenings, the crowd at our March communication was amazing as we hosted the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Bro. Robert A. Palazzo, on his official visit to the East Bay District. Not only were all the pews filled, but a couple of dozen folding chairs had to be brought in. It was inspiring to see so many brethren and friends, and delightful to visit with them during the collation that followed. Those members who did not attend were missed, and they missed a wonderful experience.
This month we will be hosting the official visitation of our R∴W∴ District Deputy Grand Master, Eric E. Grist, and Brother John W. Kent, W∴ Grand Master of Ceremonies. I encourage everyone to come out and join in the brotherhood for the evening. It should be a very enjoyable event. We will be opening in MM, then dropping down to EA so that our EA brothers can attend. The program for this evening about counterfeiting will be presented during recess, and open to all.
I'm looking forward to continuing to travel around Rhode Island, visiting other lodges. The following visits are on my calendar, and you are urged to join me. Please let me know if you can.
Sat, 01 April, DDGM visitation to Logia Libertad (Metro district) in East Providence.
Tues, 04 April, MWGM visitation to Harmony #9 (Central district) in Cranston.
Mon, 10 April, DDGM visitation to Daylight #48 (Central district) in Cranston.
Sat, 15 April, M∴GM visitation to Roger Williams #32 (Northern district) in East Providence.
Tues, 02 May, DDGM visitation to St. Paul's #14 (East Bay district) in Middletown.
Thurs, 04 May, DDGM visitation to Morning Star #14 (Northern district) in Woonsocket.
This is a reminder that we are continuing our weekly rehearsals at 7 pm on Wednesday nights, when there isn't a St. Alban's meeting or a Hope Chapter meeting (April 5th). We need to prepare for the planned Fellow Craft degree in May. As it has been in the past, rehearsals are open to all brothers ( degree rehearsals are open to anyone who has received that degree), not just the officers and all are encouraged to join us and enjoy a bit of brotherhood afterward. I personally can say, we have enjoyed our time together and have found the time for work and refreshment. Please come join us if you can.
Robert N. Hopkins, Jr.
Years of LIFE
As you celebrate another birthday, we wish you many more, with fraternal love and happiness always.
4/12 Bro. Ronald C. Hillegass |
4/12 W∴ Steven M. Mould |
4/15 R∴W∴ David C. Lavery |
4/23 W∴ Brandt D. Evans |
Upcoming Events
7:00 pm each Wednesday – officer’s or degree rehearsal & social hour
Apr. 2nd -6:00 pm St. Alban's Association, Inc., Board of Directors
Apr. 4th -Harmony No.9: M.-.w.-. Grand Master's visitation to the Central District
Apr. 5th -7:00 pm Hope Chapter No.6, R.A.M.
Apr. 12th -7:00 pm St. Alban's No. 6: Visitation of R∴W∴ Eric E. Grist, D. D. G. M. for the East Bay Apr. 15th -Roger Williams No.32: M∴W∴ Grand Master's visitation to his mother lodge
May 2nd -St. Paul's No. 14: Visitation of R∴W∴ Eric E. Grist, D. D. G. M. for the East Bay
May 6th -6:00 pm Alpine Country Club, Cranston: Grand Master's Testimonial Ball (tickets $50/p at
May 7th -6:00 pm St. Alban's Association, Inc., Board of Directors
May 10th -7:00 pm St. Alban's No. 6: Stated Communication
May 22nd -Grand Lodge: Annual Communication
Sep. 30th -Glow Ball Charity Golf Tournament-play golf in the dark! (
Oct. 13-15 70th International Gathering of Masonic Lodges Named for St. Alban, Rockville Centre, NY
St. Alban’s Association, Inc.
The Board of Directors of the Association generally meets at 6:00 pm on the first Sunday of each month. All members and initiated Masons associated with St. Alban's Lodge No.6 are welcome as visitors. There will be a meeting on April 2nd at 6:00 pm in the second-floor social hall.
Masonic Lodges Named for St. Alban
The 70th Annual International Gathering of Masonic Lodges Named for St. Alban will take place on the weekend of October 13th – 15th in Long Island, New York. Stewart Manor-St. Albans Lodge #56, F. & A. M. in Rockville Centre, NY, will host the gathering. They are planning to have the Indian degree team from Oklahoma perform their Third Degree. Everyone who has seen this has been very impressed.
From the Secretary’s Desk
Notices of membership fees were mailed in January. The fee for 2023 is $150.00 and is now past due. Thank you to those who have made their payment. If you have not yet done so, please pay your share of the expenses of the lodge now. If you have an issue with paying your dues, please let either the Secretary or the Master know so we can make the necessary arrangements. We are happy to make any needed arrangements, but we must know when help is needed. Your lodge depends on you, but we are here to help anyone needing some assistance.
Upon hearing of the illness or passing of a member or a Special Lady, please contact the Master or Secretary as soon as possible. Also please advise us if you know of someone in need of assistance or even just a ride to the lodge. Do not let the stairs be an obstacle; remember that we now have a stair lift.
Special Charity Fund Committee
The committee is looking for a new member to replace W∴ Bro. Stephens who is retiring. As the fund has investments, having an interest in this would be beneficial. The purpose of the fund is to help members and families when they need some assistance. All assistance is kept strictly confidential. Please let any member of the committee (W∴ Bros. DaSilva, Pray, or Stephens) know of your interest in serving in this capacity. It is not necessary to be a Past Master.
Grand Lodge Officers
M∴W∴ Robert A. Palazzo MW Grand Master | R∴W∴ Brad Ripley RW Grand Marshall |
R∴W∴ Eric E. Grist RW District Deputy Grand Master East Bay District | W∴ John W. Kent, III W Grand Master of Ceremonies East Bay District |
R∴W∴ Rory A. Hanmer RW Associate Grand Chaplin East Bay District | R∴W∴ Andrew M. Giovannini RW Assistant Grand Lecturer St. Alban’s No. 6 |
St. Alban's Lodge Officers
Robert N. Hopkins Jr. Worshipful Master |
W. Manuel J. Benevides Senior Warden | W. Jose J. DaSilva Junior Warden |
R.W. Rory A. Hanmer Treasurer | W. Timothy A. Pray Secretary |
W. R. Andrew Benn Senior Deacon | Christian M. DiSarro Junior Deacon |
James R. Wilson, III Senior Steward | Robert S. Hamel Junior Steward |
W. Andrew C. Daigle Chaplin | W. Danny S. Cordeiro Marshall |
Steven H. Jennings Sentinel | Brian M. Boyle Tyler |
W. William D. Stephens Assistant Secretary | R.W. Andrew M. Giovannini Ritual Advisor |
Albert A. Ferri & R. W. David C. Lavery Co-Historians | |
Living Past Masters
Leonard P. Sanford III 1971-1972 2002-2005 | Rory A. Hanmer 2013-2014 |
Edward M Wiacek 1981-1983 | Andrew M. Giovannini 2014-2015 |
Edwin A. McClure 1996-1997 | José J. DaSilva 2015-2016 |
Raymond C. Sartini 1997-1999 | R. Andrew Benn 2016-2017 |
Edward C. Boyd Jr. 2005-2007 | Jason M. Nystrom 2017-2018 |
Jeffrey R. Howlett 2007-2009 | Manuel J. Benevides 2018-2019 |
William D. Stephens 2009-2011 | Andrew C. Daigle 2021-2022 |
Scott S. Crawford 2011-2012 | Danny S. Cordeiro 2022-2023 |
Timothy A. Pray 2012-2013 2019-2021 | Robert N. Hopkins Jr. 2023- |
Committees of St. Alban’s Lodge
Special Charities Committee
W∴ William D. Stephens, W∴ José J. DaSilva, & W∴ Timothy A. Pray
Lodges Named for St. Alban Committee
Members: Master, Wardens, and Past Masters