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Trestleboard: April 2024


Notice of regular communication of St. Alban's Lodge No. 6 will be held at 363 Hope Street, Bristol RI 02809.
Wednesday, 10th, 6:00 PM
Square & Compasses

To celebrate, our esteemed brother, Leonard P. (Tuffy) Sanford, attainment of 60 years in Rhode Island Freemasonry, St. Alban’s Lodge 6, has commissioned the Kilwinning Club of Boston, to perform, “The Gates of Memory “ for our brother. The Gates Ceremony is a beautiful experience full of history and Scottish Pipe & Drums, where the mason receives a walk down memory lane.

The Kilwinning Club of Boston, is a specialized Scottish heritage degree team, from

Massachusetts, which has been in existence for 100 years. They specialize in Installations, 3rd Degrees, and the Gates of Memory.

From the east

Good afternoon Brotherren, I mean Brethren!

Haha, I want to thank everyone who came out to the meeting last month! It was a great program and I think we all learned a lot when it comes to tightening up our degrees and even our Masonic Language so to speak. W: Robert Frank gave us the tools needed to smooth out our ashlar! (See what I did there)

Speaking of degrees, we have been working on the Master Mason Degree at rehearsals. I want to thank everyone who has been coming out and working hard. Anyone who wants to be part of the degree work please reach out to me! We are aiming for a May 4th dispensation for the degree.

Rehearsals this month are Saturday, April 7th at 10 am and Tuesday, April 23rd at 6 pm. Please try to make those and please keep studying in the meantime. If anyone wants to practice over the phone, don’t hesitate to call any of the officers. Again, families are always welcome. Refreshments provided.

The fundraising committee is also meeting on those rehearsal dates above. Please remember that wives and girlfriends are also welcome to the committee. We already have a good start to our raffle prizes for the Calendar raffle. I continue to ask the Brethren if they could grab a gift certificate or any type of raffle prize that would be greatly appreciated.

Reminder, Grand Masters Testimonial Dinner is April 5th. I believe ticket sales are closed but double-check and let me know if you plan on attending either way.

This month our program is a special one! The Kilwinning Club of Boston along with our very own W: Andy Daigle will be putting on a phenomenal degree so don’t miss out! Due to the program, we will be opening the lodge at 6 pm, going to recess at 6:30 pm for dinner (which is shepherd's pie catered by our Brother Junior Deacons family), 7:30 pm Kilwinning Club Degree, and after the degree, we will return to labor and close. Also, W: Brother Tuffy Sanford celebrates his 60th year in Freemasonry! A milestone is truly amazing. I ask everyone who can come to the meeting and congratulate our esteemed brother on his accomplishments in Freemasonry and his dedication to our lodge. We can all learn a lot from a Brother like him!

Lastly, we will also be moving the St. Albans Association Meeting time to 11:30 am on April 7th. Same day as rehearsal. I thought it easier to get the members to the lodge once for rehearsal and the association meeting rather than come back a second time later that night. I hope it makes it easier for everyone.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I will emphasize a few things:

  • LODGE OPENS AT 1800 hrs (6 pm)

  • RECESS/DINNER AT 1830 hrs (630 pm)

  • PROGRAM AT 1930 hrs (730 pm)




Yours in the Craft,

Manuel J. Benevides

Years of Life

Ronald Hillegass -  4/12

Steven Mould -  4/12

David Lavery -  4/15

Brandt Evans -  4/23

Upcoming Events

  • Apr. 19th - Grand Master visitation to the Central District at Manchester #12

  • May 5th - Meeting of St. Alban's Association

  • May 7th - DDGM Visitation at St. Paul's #14

  • May 8th - St. Alban's #6 Regular Communication

  • May 20th - Grand Lodge Annual Communication

  • Jun. 2nd - Meeting of St. Alban's Association

  • Jun. 12th - St. Alban's #6 Regular Communication


St. Alban’s Association, Inc.

NEXT MEETING: April 7, 2024 at 11:30 AM

The Board of Directors of the Association generally meets at 6:00 p.m. on the first Sunday of each month. All members and initiation Masons associated with St. Alban’s Lodge No. 6 are welcome as visitors.

Crest of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island

Grand Lodge Officers

​M∴W∴ Douglas J. Grant MW Grand Master

R∴W∴ Michael R. Barbera RW Grand Marshall

R∴W∴ Stephan H. Saraidarian RW District Deputy Grand Master

East Bay District

W∴ ​Jason J. Rainone W Grand Master of Ceremonies

East Bay District

R∴W∴ Rory A. Hanmer RW Associate Grand Chaplin

East Bay District

R∴W∴ Andrew M. Giovannini RW Assistant Grand Lecturer

St. Alban’s No. 6


Crest of St. Alban's Lodge No. 6

St. Alban's Lodge Officers


W∴ Manuel J. Benevides Worshipful Master

W∴ R. Andrew Benn Senior Warden

W∴ Robert N. Hopkins Jr.

Junior Warden

R∴W∴ Rory A. Hanmer


W∴ Danny S. Cordeiro


Christian M. DiSarro

Senior Deacon

Brian M. Boyle Junior Deacon

Jason Flick

Senior Steward

Barry Fontaine Jr.

Junior Steward

W∴ Andrew C. Daigle


W∴ Jason M. Nystrom


Roger Belmore


Abdala Soufan


Albert A. Ferri & R∴W∴ David C. Lavery


R∴W∴ Andrew M. Giovannini

Ritual Advisor

Past Master Logo

Living Past Masters

Leonard P. Sanford III 1971-1972 2002-2005

Rory A. Hanmer 2013-2014

Edward M Wiacek 1981-1983

Andrew M. Giovannini 2014-2015

Edwin A. McClure 1996-1997

José J. DaSilva 2015-2016

Raymond C. Sartini 1997-1999

R. Andrew Benn 2016-2017

Edward C. Boyd Jr. 2005-2007

Jason M. Nystrom 2017-2018

Jeffrey R. Howlett 2007-2009

Manuel J. Benevides 2018-2019 2024-

William D. Stephens 2009-2011

Andrew C. Daigle 2021-2022

Scott S. Crawford 2011-2012

Danny S. Cordeiro 2022-2023

Timothy A. Pray 2012-2013 2019-2021

Robert N. Hopkins Jr. 2023-2024


Committees of St. Alban’s Lodge

Special Charities Committee

W. José J. DaSilva, W. Timothy A. Pray & W. Jason M. Nystrom


Lodges Named for St. Alban Committee

Members: Master, Wardens, and Past Masters



Second Wednesday in each month. Except in the months of July & August.


Third Wednesday in January.

Dispensation Granted June 25, 1800

Charter Granted October 21, 1802

Constituted October 21, 1802

Logo for the East Bay District

363 Hope Street

Bristol, Rhode Island 02809

Copyright © 2024 St. Albans Lodge No. 6

All Rights Reserved

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