Notice of regular communication of St. Alban's Lodge No. 6 will be held at 363 Hope Street, Bristol RI 02809.
Wednesday, September 13th, 7:00 PM
This month’s program will be a special presentation that all brothers can take part in. Many of us have confessed that we are using pre-tied or clip-on bow ties with our suits or tuxes. Well, after our September communication, we should all be able to successfully tie a traditional bowtie. There will be a presentation and explanation of how to tie a bowtie, and then all present will be presented with a tie with which to practice, under the watchful eyes of our local experts.
Greetings Brethren,
I’d like to start off with a congratulations to Brother Charles Walker, on showing his proficiency in the Master Mason degree at our June communication. This communication was a joint communication with Hope No. 25, in Wakefield, RI. It was great to visit the brothers of Hope Lodge, and appreciate their hospitality.
I hope everyone had a wonderful summer. It was definitely an eventful one.
We had our annual Fourth of July viewing party, which was enjoyed by everyone who attended. There were some challenges for some who got caught in the rain before the parade, but the weather was great during the viewing.
Many of the St. Alban’s brothers joined our brethren from around the state to attend the Grand Lodge picnic. The weather was perfect for all the festivities and a good time was had by all.
Worshipful Jason Nystrom held his annual wine fest event at his home which had a good turnout and a good variety of food and wines from around the world to sample.
As the end of summer is upon us, and the fall approaches, things will start to get busy. I hope that we can continue with the traveling that we were doing in the spring. There are still many more lodges to visit.
This is a reminder that we are continuing our weekly rehearsals at 7 p.m. on Thursday nights when there isn’t a St. Alban’s meeting that week. We need to prepare for the planned Master Mason degree in October. As it has been in the past, rehearsals are open to all brothers, not just the officers and all are encouraged to join us and enjoy a bit of brotherhood afterward. I personally can say, we have enjoyed our time together and have found the time for work and refreshment. Please come join us if you can.
Don’t forget, that this month’s communication will be a joint communication with Hope #25, with them coming to St. Alban’s. I’m looking forward to welcoming you all back to the lodge and seeing each of you on the level. We have so much more to accomplish during the rest of this year!
Robert N. Hopkins Jr.
A vote will be held for candidate Randy Ramon Martinez to be received by the lodge and receive the degrees of Freemasonry.
As another year passes since you were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. May your dedication and commitment to the craft lead you to a fulfilling and enlightened journey ahead.
Christian M. DiSarro: 2 years
Bacary Diatta: 2 years
Scott F. Panella: 3 years
Brian M. Boyle: 3 years
W∴ Steven M. Mould: 31 years
Charles E. Booth III: 9/4
Danny S. Cordeiro: 9/4
Christian M. DiSarro: 9/21
7:00 pm each Thursday – officer’s or degree rehearsal & social hour
Sep. 10th - Meeting of St. Alban's Association
Sep. 13th - St. Alban's #6 Regular Communication
Sep. 18th - Grand Master visitation to the Metro District at Rising Sun #30
Sep. 30th – Glow Ball Charity Golf Tournament – play golf in the dark!
Oct. 1st - Meeting of St. Alban's Association
Oct. 11th - St. Alban's #6 Regular Communication
Oct. 13-15 70th International Gathering of Masonic Lodges Named for St. Alban, Rockville Centre, NY
Oct. 14th - Washington #3 Annual Communication
St. Alban’s Association, Inc.
The Board of Directors of the Association generally meets at 6:00 pm on the first Sunday of each month. All members and initiated Masons associated with St. Alban’s Lodge No.6 are welcome as visitors.
Masonic Lodges Named for St. Alban
The 70th Annual International Gathering of Masonic Lodges Named for St. Alban will take place on the weekend of October 13th – 15th on Long Island, New York. Stewart Manor-St. Albans Lodge #56, F. & A. M. in Rockville Centre, NY, will host the gathering. They are planning to have the Indian degree team from Oklahoma perform their Third Degree. Everyone who has seen this has been very impressed.
Grand Lodge Officers
M∴W∴ Douglas J. Grant MW Grand Master | R∴W∴ Michael R. Barbera RW Grand Marshall |
R∴W∴ Stephan H. Saraidarian RW District Deputy Grand Master East Bay District | W∴ Jason J. Rainone W Grand Master of Ceremonies East Bay District |
R∴W∴ Rory A. Hanmer RW Associate Grand Chaplin East Bay District | R∴W∴ Andrew M. Giovannini RW Assistant Grand Lecturer St. Alban’s No. 6 |
St. Alban's Lodge Officers
Robert N. Hopkins Jr. Worshipful Master |
W∴ Manuel J. Benevides Senior Warden | W∴ Jose J. DaSilva Junior Warden |
R∴W∴ Rory A. Hanmer Treasurer | W∴ Timothy A. Pray Secretary |
W∴ R. Andrew Benn Senior Deacon | Christian M. DiSarro Junior Deacon |
James R. Wilson, III Senior Steward | Robert S. Hamel Junior Steward |
W∴ Andrew C. Daigle Chaplin | W∴ Danny S. Cordeiro Marshall |
Steven H. Jennings Sentinel | Brian M. Boyle Tyler |
W∴ William D. Stephens Assistant Secretary | R∴W∴ Andrew M. Giovannini Ritual Advisor |
Albert A. Ferri & R∴W∴ David C. Lavery Co-Historians | |
Living Past Masters
Leonard P. Sanford III 1971-1972 2002-2005 | Rory A. Hanmer 2013-2014 |
Edward M Wiacek 1981-1983 | Andrew M. Giovannini 2014-2015 |
Edwin A. McClure 1996-1997 | José J. DaSilva 2015-2016 |
Raymond C. Sartini 1997-1999 | R. Andrew Benn 2016-2017 |
Edward C. Boyd Jr. 2005-2007 | Jason M. Nystrom 2017-2018 |
Jeffrey R. Howlett 2007-2009 | Manuel J. Benevides 2018-2019 |
William D. Stephens 2009-2011 | Andrew C. Daigle 2021-2022 |
Scott S. Crawford 2011-2012 | Danny S. Cordeiro 2022-2023 |
Timothy A. Pray 2012-2013 2019-2021 | Robert N. Hopkins Jr. 2023- |
Committees of St. Alban’s Lodge
Special Charities Committee
W. José J. DaSilva, W. Timothy A. Pray & W. Jason M. Nystrom
Lodges Named for St. Alban Committee
Members: Master, Wardens, and Past Masters